This need to develop the elderly care policy makes the highest leadership of the government of our country and in commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the World Assembly on Aging decide increase efforts and energize the responses necessary for Cuba to comply with the principles and recommendations on aging of the United Nations Assembly, made in New York in 1992, and in this way provide optimal quality of life to our elderly. Among these efforts, the founding of the IBERO-AMERICAN CENTER FOR THE THIRD AGE and the implementation of a new COMPREHENSIVE CARE PROGRAM FOR THE CUBAN ELDERLY stand out.
The Ibero-American Center for the Third Age (CITED) was founded on May 7, 1992, during the activities of the First Central American and Caribbean Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, by Cuban President Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz, who expressed In the opening ceremony:..."The most humane thing that society can do is take care of the elderly"... And he suggested: that "... all the knowledge that is accumulated will be transmitted to all other hospitals in the country, the courses that will be taught can be given to doctors throughout the country, so that in a very short time the CITED conference room would be giving courses on the Third Age to professionals from all the hospitals in the country, who would also create their services"...
CITED is located in the oldest and most traditional medical-teaching institution in the country, which has trained, for 100 years, hundreds of our most distinguished doctors, specialists and professors with recognized national and international prestige. The "General Calixto García" University Hospital, with more than 1,000 beds for care in all medical specialties, still remains the largest Faculty of Medical Sciences in Cuba. Much of this experience is dedicated by CITED to care, training of human resources and research on the Elderly.
CITED has developed since its foundation an ascending healthcare work, providing tertiary geriatric care to patients from Cuba and other countries. The care of a high scientific and technical qualification has been closely linked to the rest of the clinical-surgical specialties that are related to the elderly. This has allowed us to significantly expand the possibilities of medical care towards more comprehensive and multidisciplinary care, making the most of the experience where it is located. This has benefited from the inclusion of technology. innovative methods and methodologies developed nationally or taken from the most advanced international experience, highlighting a stepped system of geriatric evaluation, endoscopic and minimal access surgery and the application of new therapeutic and pharmaceutical products for geriatric use.
The high demand for care presented by the institution has determined the development of both clinical and surgical outpatient services.
The demand for care of foreign patients has been faced by the institution since its beginnings. It has been increasing with a high level of satisfaction.
The need for a qualitative leap in care for the elderly and the development of research have provided the acceptance and demand for courses and training given at the institution.
This teaching work at a national and international level has covered a wide variety of topics of interest within aging, trying to cover and at the same time expand the needs for social, economic, ecological, and psychological knowledge. and biological that entails the multidimensional and multidisciplinary management of the subject.
The study modules have included a variety of presentations, such as short courses, trainings, residencies and others, which have allowed hundreds of people to attend.participants.
Several study programs have been developed at this stage, highlighting the Master's Degree in Gerontology. See medical programs for Treatments for Elderly Patients.
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