CURRICULUM Dra. Luz Marina Miquet Romero

Dra. Luz Marina Miquet Romero. Plastic Surgery and Caumatology.
Age: 60 years

Degree study

  • 1979-1985. Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana.
  • Title: Doctor of Medicine

Postgrads studies




Sept 1985-1990 April: Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana
Title: 1st Degree Specialist in Plastic Surgery and Caumatology.
2005-2006: Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene
Title: Master in Nutrition in Public Health.
September 2007: Higher Institute of Medical Sciences of Havana
Title: 2nd Degree Specialist in Plastic Surgery and Caumatology.

Teaching Category

Assistant Professor for the subject of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology, Center for Postgraduate Studies Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. March 2008.

Investigative Category

 Ricercatore assistente. giugno 2016.

Professional experience

Professional Experience

1. Sept 1985- April 1990 Resident Physician, Service CRQ Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras.
2. April 1990-January- 2005 Specialist Physician, CPC Service Burn Unit Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras.
3. September 2007 - Present: 2nd Degree Specialist Physician in Plastic Surgery and Caumatology. HHA Burn Unit.
4. Nutritional Support Group. HHA. 2005 - Present.
5. Professional cadre of the Party. Havana. 2005-2008
6. 2008-Present: Specialist Physician, CPC Service Burn Unit Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras.

Courses Taught

Courses Taught

-Course: Updating of Nursing Care in Burned Patients. National Center for Technical and Professional Improvement in Health "Dr. Fermín Valdés Domínguez ”. November 18-29, 1991.

- Course: Updating of Nursing Care in Burned Patients. National Center for Technical and Professional Improvement of Health "Dr. Fermín Valdés Domínguez ”. November 15-26, 1993.

- Post-Basic Nursing Course: Intensive Care.I.P.S. Carlos J Finlay. June 1994.

- Post-Basic Course: Intensive Care.I.P.S. ”Pelegrina Sardá”. February 1995.

- Post-Basic Course: Intensive Care. .. “Pilgrim Sarda Sarda. February 1996.

- National Update Workshop on Burns. Havana April 1997.

- Second National Workshop Update on Burns. City of Havana March 10, 1998.

- Pre-day course: X Anniversary Day. Juan Manuel Marquez Hospital. “Prevention and Treatment of the Pediatric Burn Patient. 29 Nov 3 December 1999.

- III National Update Workshop on Burns. City of Havana June 15 and 16, 2000.

- National Course-Workshop for Metabolic and Nutritional Aid to the Burned Patient. Havana. 23-26 June 2001.

- V Workshop Course: Update on the Treatment of the Burned Patient. Havana city. April 11-12, 2002.

- Diploma "Nursing Care for Burned Patients". October 2003.

- Teaching Activities for CRQ Residents from 1991 to 2009.

- Diploma (National) of Hyperbaric Oxygenation. Topics: Treatment of ischemic complications of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery with hyperbaric oxygenation. Support with Hyperbaric Oxygenation to the treatment of burns. HHA- Hospital CIMEQ. 2009

- Advanced Course in Clinical Nutrition (International) HHA - Ecuador. 2009

- Course of Clinical Nutrition for Surgeons. HHA. Oct 2009

- Nutritional intervention in the surgical patient. C. Havana November 2009.

- Pre-Congress course: National Congress of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Pre-operative nutrition. CIMEQ Hospital.

- National Course of Nutrition in the burned patient. C. Havana May 2010.

- Attention to the polytraumatized. Calixto García Hospital. May 2010.

- Nutritional Support Course in Cardiovascular patients. HHA. February 2011.

- Master and Diploma in Hyperbaric Oxygenation. Course of Treatment with HBO in healing.

- Diploma in Clinical Nutrition. Nutritional support course in critical patients.

o Healing and nutrition course.

- 24. Update on Plastic Surgery techniques. Havana June 2015.

- 2016. Diploma in Hyperbaric Oxygenation. HBO Clinical Application Module: burns and flaps.

- From 2016 - 2021. Diploma in clinical nutrition. Nutritional support course in critical patients. Burned Nutrition and Healing.

- From 2011- 2021. Master of Hyperbaric Oxygenation and Underwater Medicine.

Courses Received

Courses Received

-Postgraduate study, Intensive Care. Integrated by the courses:

I. General (132h)

II. Internal Medium (132h)

III. Respiratory (528h)

IV. Cardiovascular (396h)

V. Nephrology (88h)

SAW. Hematology (126h)

VII. Neurological (176h)

VIII. Multi-organ failure (264h)

- National Workshop "Liposuction in Plastic Surgery". City of Havana December 11 and 2, 1996.

- Updating Course in Maxillo Cervico Facial Surgery. December 27-29, 1996.

- International Course of Endoscopic Surgery. May 5-9, 1997.

- International Course-Workshop. Monitoring in Intensive Care. CIMEQ. Havana city. May 14-16, 1997.

- National Workshop "Update in Facial Cervical Rhytidectomy". Havana City, June 10 and 11, 1997.

- National Workshop of "Aesthetic Rhinoplasty" City of Havana, November 17 and 18, 1998.

- Pre-congress course II Central American and Caribbean Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1999.

- National Workshop Mastoplasty for reduced incisions. Havana City, March 17-18, 2000.

- Postgraduate Study: National Diploma "Clinical Nutrition" (240 hours). Sept 8 to Nov 14 2003. HHA. City of Havana, 2003.

- International Course on Total Nutritional Therapy. FELANPE. City of Havana, 2004.

- National Course: "Methodology of educational programs in health." INHEM City of Havana April 2005.

- National course: "Food and Nutrition Education within the APS Competency Model. INHEM City of Havana April 2005.

- International Course: International Master of Nutrition in Public Health. Integrated by the following courses:

I. Biostatistics 86 hours

II. Scientific Information 48 hours

III. Research Methodology 96 hours

IV. Epidemiology 96 hours

V. Biochemical and Physiological Bases 144 hours

SAW. Anthropology 96 hours

VII. Food Science 96 hours

VIII. Dietology 144 hours

IX. Nutritional Status Assessment 192 hours

X. Nutrition Education 96 hours

XI. Food hygiene 192 hours

XII. Public Nutrition 144 hours

XIII. Nutrition Clinic 48 hours

XIV. Normalization 48 hours

XV. Didactics 48 hours

XVI. Preparation and Defense of the Thesis 1008 hours

- Diploma in "Health Management # 1". HHA. Havana city. 2006.

- Niño López Higher School for the training of cadres. (Six months) 2004.

- For more ethical awareness and an economic culture for a better social work. 2007.

- Defense Course. 2007

- "Micronutrients: their relevant role in health and disease" House of Zinplex and Cuban Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. 2008

- ISO 9000 Course. Quality. HHA. 2009

- Interpretation of the ISO 9001: 2008 standards. May 2009.

- Process approach. July 2009.

- Refresher Course in Human Physiology. International Course with Humboldt Teachers. HHA. 2010.

- Bioethics Course. XI Cuban Congress of Surgery. 1-4 November 2010.

- Clinical Epidemiology Course. HHA. December 2010.

- Clinical Epidemiology (EPICLIN2010). 2010.

- Current trends in medical practice. March 2011.

- Social problems of science. April 2011.

- Pedagogy course. HHA. 2012

- Update on National Defense. July 2014.

- Methodological workshop on permanent education. March 2013.

- Refresher course in Plastic Surgery techniques: 2013.

- Update Course in Plastic Surgery techniques. June 2015

- Course of pedagogical improvement. HHA. Annual. Theme as appropriate

- Political Course for teachers. Annual. Subject According to assignment.

- Scientific article writing course (pending delivery of final article)

Participation in scientific events

Participation in scientific events

-Postgraduate study, Intensive Care. Integrated by the courses:

I. General (132h)

II. Internal Medium (132h)

III. Respiratory (528h)

IV. Cardiovascular (396h)

V. Nephrology (88h)

SAW. Hematology (126h)

VII. Neurological (176h)

VIII. Multi-organ failure (264h)

- National Workshop "Liposuction in Plastic Surgery". City of Havana December 11 and 2, 1996.

- Updating Course in Maxillo Cervico Facial Surgery. December 27-29, 1996.

- International Course of Endoscopic Surgery. May 5-9, 1997.

- International Course-Workshop. Monitoring in Intensive Care. CIMEQ. Havana city. May 14-16, 1997.

- National Workshop "Update in Facial Cervical Rhytidectomy". Havana City, June 10 and 11, 1997.

- National Workshop of "Aesthetic Rhinoplasty" City of Havana, November 17 and 18, 1998.

- Pre-congress course II Central American and Caribbean Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 1999.

- National Workshop Mastoplasty for reduced incisions. Havana City, March 17-18, 2000.

- Postgraduate Study: National Diploma "Clinical Nutrition" (240 hours). Sept 8 to Nov 14 2003. HHA. City of Havana, 2003.

- International Course on Total Nutritional Therapy. FELANPE. City of Havana, 2004.

- National Course: "Methodology of educational programs in health." INHEM City of Havana April 2005.

- National course: "Food and Nutrition Education within the APS Competency Model. INHEM City of Havana April 2005.

- International Course: International Master of Nutrition in Public Health. Integrated by the following courses:

I. Biostatistics 86 hours

II. Scientific Information 48 hours

III. Research Methodology 96 hours

IV. Epidemiology 96 hours

V. Biochemical and Physiological Bases 144 hours

SAW. Anthropology 96 hours

VII. Food Science 96 hours

VIII. Dietology 144 hours

IX. Nutritional Status Assessment 192 hours

X. Nutrition Education 96 hours

XI. Food hygiene 192 hours

XII. Public Nutrition 144 hours

XIII. Nutrition Clinic 48 hours

XIV. Normalization 48 hours

XV. Didactics 48 hours

XVI. Preparation and Defense of the Thesis 1008 hours

- Diploma in "Health Management # 1". HHA. Havana city. 2006.

- Niño López Higher School for the training of cadres. (Six months) 2004.

- For more ethical awareness and an economic culture for a better social work. 2007.

- Defense Course. 2007

- "Micronutrients: their relevant role in health and disease" House of Zinplex and Cuban Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. 2008

- ISO 9000 Course. Quality. HHA. 2009

- Interpretation of the ISO 9001: 2008 standards. May 2009.

- Process approach. July 2009.

- Refresher Course in Human Physiology. International Course with Humboldt Teachers. HHA. 2010.

- Bioethics Course. XI Cuban Congress of Surgery. 1-4 November 2010.

- Clinical Epidemiology Course. HHA. December 2010.

- Clinical Epidemiology (EPICLIN2010). 2010.

- Current trends in medical practice. March 2011.

- Social problems of science. April 2011.

- Pedagogy course. HHA. 2012

- Update on National Defense. July 2014.

- Methodological workshop on permanent education. March 2013.

- Refresher course in Plastic Surgery techniques: 2013.

- Update Course in Plastic Surgery techniques. June 2015

- Course of pedagogical improvement. HHA. Annual. Theme as appropriate

- Political Course for teachers. Annual. Subject According to assignment.

- Scientific article writing course (pending delivery of final article)


Papers presented at Scientific Events

Papers presented at Scientific Events

- XIV Scientific - Technical Youth Competition. C. Havana, December 8, 1990.

- I Symposium of Plastic Surgery of Central America and the Caribbean. Havana, September 18-23, 1991.

- II International Symposium on Transplants and Technological Advances. HCQHA. CIMEQ 1993

- VII Forum of Science and Technology, Havana. October 1993.

- IX Forum of Science and Technology. HHA. Havana City, September 1994.

- Final Report Workshop on the Application of Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor in the treatment of burned adults and children ”. Havana city. November 5 and 6, 1996.

- Provincial Scientific Conference of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology, Havana, September 21, 1997.

- II Central American and Caribbean Congress of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Havana. September 16 to 18, 1999. Pste de sala.

- III Latin American Congress on Burns. VII Venezuelan Congress of burns. Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela. October 19-23, 1999.

- Criteria unification workshop on clinical trials. Effects of Epidermal Growth Factor applied parenterally in the recovery of the burned patient. Havana, March 3, 2000.

- IV Latin American Congress on Burns. II Chilean Congress

- of Burns Santiago de Chile. August 28 -31, 2001.

- Round tables.

- III Scientific Conference of HHA Residents. C. Havana January 26, 2002.

- V Latin American Congress on Burns. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, May 14-17, 2003. Pste Mesa.

- II International Symposium on Plastic Surgery and Burns. City of Havana, October 26-28, 2004. Session post.

- VI Latin American Congress on Burns. City of Havana, May 17-20, 2005. Organizing Committee.

- III National Congress of Clinical Nutrition. City of Havana, June 2005.

- XVIII Forum of Science and Technology. HHA: city of Havana, July 12, 2006.

- XIV Forum of Science and Technology. HHA: city of Havana. 2008.

- Meeting "Micronutrients: their relevant role in health and disease". C. Havana. December 2008.

- National Antimicrobial Conference. HHA. November 2008.

- XVIII Cycle of Medical Lectures "Oscar Aguirre Jáuregui". Guadalajara. Mexico. 7 - 9 October 2009.

- Workshop Nutritional intervention in surgical patients. HHA. Nov 2009

- V National Congress of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism 2009. CIMEQ.

- Conference on Plastic Surgery and Caumatology "Dr. Orlando Lezcano Garaizar In Memoriam 2010. May 2010.

- Workshop on Egg Nutrition and Food Hygiene Inst. October 2010.

- 21. National Workshop News in the treatment of the burned patient.

- 22. First National Workshop on Clinical Nutrition. Soc Cub from Nut Clin and the

- SIUM. April 2010.

- I National Bioethics Workshop of the Cuban Society of Surgery. 2010

- I National Workshop on Clinical Nutrition. April 2010.

- Attention to the polytraumatized. June 2010.

- National Workshop News in Plastic Surgery and Caumatology April 2010.

- XI Cuban Congress of Surgery. Nov 2010

- Colloquium on burns. Modulation of Hypermetabolism. Scientific Council. Havana. Cuba. January 2011.

- 2nd International Congress of Nutrition. Application of new strategies

to optimize nutritional therapy. Vallarta Port. Mexico. May 2011.

- X Conference on Bioethics of the Juan Pablo II Center. May 2011.

- Western Symposium on sepsis in ICU. June 2011.

- 1st National Day of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology. June 2013.

- VI International Congress of Urgencies, Emergencies and Intensive Medicine

he. April 2014.

- I National Symposium on Attention to extensive burns. 2014.

- IV Scientific-Pedagogical Conference. December 2014.

- I Scientific Research Workshop. Plastic Surgery and Caumatology.

March 2015.

- Residents Day. HHA. 2015.

- 2nd National Day of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology. June 2015

- Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital Convention: November-December.

- II Congress of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology. Havana. Cuba. 2015.

Annual Frequency.

-Seminar on finished topics: Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras: November-December. Annual Frequency.

- 1st Meeting of Graduates of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology. HHA. Update in Plastic Surgery. Havana. February 2020.



1. Comparison of three regimens of mebendazole in a single dose for the treatment of trichuriasis. Rev. Med. Trop. 44 (1), January-April, 1992.

2. Human angiostrongylosis, report of the first case in Cuba. Parasitol a Day. 18: 118-120.1994.

3. Incidence of nosocomial pneumonia in critical patients. Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital. / Nosocomial incident of pneumonia in critic patients in Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. Letter med. A.I.S. Boliv; 15 (1) ^ f26 ^ 128,2000.

4. Perioperative behavior of the burned patient. Rev Cub Anest Rean. 2005; 4 (3): 75-92.

5. Initial Treatment of the Burned Patient. Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital Medical Practices Manual. Work protected by copyright law (Reg. 2938-2006).

6. Local Treatment of the Burned Patient Manual of Medical Practices of the Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras. Work protected by copyright law (Reg. 2938-2006)

7. Nutrition of the Burned patient. Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital Medical Practices Manual. Work protected by copyright law (Reg. 2938-2006).

8. Selective Urgency: Initial care for the burned patient. Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital Medical Practices Manual. Work protected by copyright law (Reg. 2938-2006).

9. Medical-surgical nursing topics. Volume I. Editorial Ecimed. Medical Sciences. Havana. 2005.

10. Collaborator in: Food, Nutritional and Metabolic Intervention Program for hospitalized patients. . Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital Medical Practices Manual. Work protected by copyright law (Reg. 2938-2006).

11. Initial Care for the Burned Patient. Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital Medical Practices Manual. , II Edition, ISBN 978-959-212-392-2

12. Local Treatment of the Burn. Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital Medical Practices Manual. , II Edition, ISBN 978-959-212-392-2

13. Nutrition of the Burn Unit Patient. Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital Medical Practices Manual. , II Edition, ISBN 978-959-212-392-2

14. Status of the Provision of nutritional care for the burned patient. Process audit in a Burn Service of a tertiary hospital. Nutr Hosp. 2008; 23 (4): 354-365

15. Early Surgical Necrectomy in the Treatment of the Burned Patient. Electronic magazine of Portales ( ISSN 1886 - 8924. Vol III No 7. 2008

16. Prognostic value of baseline serum albumin level in burn patients. Electronic magazine of Portales ( ISSN 1886 - 8924. 2008

17. Burns and Pregnancy. Study and characterization in the Burns Unit of the Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical Surgical Hospital Electronic magazine of Portales ( ISSN 1886 - 8924. 2008

18. Study of sepsis in burn patients. Electronic magazine of Portales ( ISSN 1886 - 8924 Vol III. No 21. 2008

19. Surgical necrectomy as part of the comprehensive treatment of burns. Electronic magazine of Portales ( ISSN 1886 - 8924 Vol III. No 22. 2008

20. Importance of the nursing staff in the process of nutritional intervention of the burned patient. . Electronic magazine of Portales ( ISSN 1886 - 8924 Vol IV. No 5

21. Local infection in the burn unit. Electronic magazine of Portales ( ISSN 1886 - 8924 Vol VI. No 10. 2009.

22. Role of the nursing staff in the nutritional intervention of the burned patient. Rev Cub Aliment Nutr 20 (1): 102-112, 2010.

23. Miquet RLM, Rodríguez GR. Use of antimicrobials in the control of sepsis in the burned patient. Rev Acta Médica 13 (1): 89-100, 2011.

24. Miquet LM. Rodríguez GR. Nutrition of the patient in the burn unit. In: Protocolization of medical assistance at the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital. Results of the First five years. Of application. La Habana, Editorial Ciencias Médicas; pp. 262-9.

25. Miquet RL, Vásquez MC, Rodríguez GR, Tamargo BT, (2013) Behavior of body weight during patient care in a burn unit. Rev Cub Alim and Nutric. 23. No. 1 (2013): 82-96.

26. Nutritional intervention in the burn patient. In Intensive Medicine. Nutrition of the critical patient. Cap 32. Editor León D. Editorial Medical Sciences La Habana. 2013. page 183-192.

27. Nursing interventions in the different stages of treatment. In: Burns clinical and surgical behaviors. Editors. A. Bolgiani, EM Lima, MC do Valle. Editorial Atheneu. Sao Pablo (2013). Brazilian Society of Burns and Latin American Federation of Burns. Pages 353-59.

28. Behavior of urinary urea nitrogen in the burned patient. Rev. Cub. Nut. Volume 25. Number 1 (January

- June 2015): 76-91

29. - Anthropometric changes after liposuction. Rev. Cub. Alim Nutr- Volume 25. Number 1 (January - June 2015): 123-131.

30. - Local infection of the burn and nutritional status. Rev. Cub. Nut. Volume 25. Number 2 (July - December 2015): 301-313.

31. The burn patient as a model of oxidative stress LM Miquet Romero, MDYR Salas, LD Roche, RAR Garcell Acta Médica. 2016; 17 (2)

32. -Ex-vivo assessment of tissue viability using dynamic laser speckle. Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9660, 96601U · © 2015 SPIE · CCC code: 0277-786X / 15 / $ 18 · doi: 10.1117 / 12.2196321. on 08/24/2015 Terms of Use:

33. Escobar VH, LMM Romero, AE Jalturin, GE Romero. Cuban Journal of Food and Nutrition 25 (1), 9. 2015.

34. On changes in serum lipids 6 months after abdominal dermolipectomy HE Vega, GDV Rincón, AE Jalturin, LMM Romero. Cuban Journal of Food and Nutrition 29 (2), 376-39. 2019

35. - Miquet RL, Oseas LL, Rodríguez GR, Escobar VH. Hypocholesterolemia in the burned patient. Rev. Acta Medica. 2016; 17 (2) ISSN 1561-3186.

36. - Miquet RL, Reyes SM, Delgado RL, Rodríguez GR. The burn patient as a model of oxidative stress. Rev. Acta Medica. 2016; 17 (2) ISSN 1561-3186.

37. - In Surgery. Severe trauma injuries. Volume VI. Editorial Medical Sciences. Havana, 2018. Special conditions in trauma care. Burns. Pages 469-501.

38. -Miquet RL, Rodríguez GR, González RH: Great Burned Adult. Nutritional Therapy. Manual of Medical Practices. "Hermanos Ameijeiras" Surgical Clinical Hospital. VI edition. Havana; 2018.

39. - Rodríguez GR. Miquet RL, Hernández CM: Great Burned Adult. Initial attention. Manual of Medical Practices. "Hermanos Ameijeiras" Surgical Clinical Hospital. VI edition. Havana; 2018.

40. Book of General Surgery Volume VI: Serious trauma injuries. Chapter 256. Burns. Ed. Ecimed. Pages 469-502. 2018

41. Miquet RL, Orozco JM, Posada RD, Chávez MM: Marjolin ulcer. Rev Acta Med. 20 (3). 2019.

42. Changes in serum lipids 6 months after dermolipectomy. Cuban magazine of nutrition and food. Vol 29. 2019

43. Anthropometric changes in patients subjected to abdominal dermolipectomy combined with liposuction of the anterolateral flanks HE Vega, LMM Romero, FLH Solarte, AE Jalturin. Cuban Journal of Food and Nutrition 2020; 30 (1), 131-140.

44. Total serum cholesterol in the evolution of the burned patient Acta Médica. 2020; 21 (3) e75.

45. Applications of platelet-rich plasma in Plastic Surgery. Rev Acta Med.

46. ​​Application of platelet lysate in donor areas. Cuban Journal of Hematology and Immunology. 2021. Approved. Publication pending.

47. Ascorbate levels in the burn patient. Rev Iberolatinoamericana de Cir Plastica. Approved. Publication pending for June 2021.

Participation in other activities

  • - Head of teaching for CPC Service. HHA.
  • - Member of the medical audit council. HHA
  • - Tutor of Residence Termination Works.
  • - Master's Thesis Tutor.
  • - Tutor of Residence Termination Works.
  • - Member of the GAN. Teaching and care activities.
  • - Updating of the Study Program of the Specialty. (CPC)
  • - Member of the State Court of Specialty (CPC)
  • - Member of the Court to obtain the title of Master in OHB.
  • - Member of the Tribunal to obtain the title of Esp 2nd Degree CPC.
  • - President of CARE.

Research Topics

  • -Current Research: Modulation of the Response to Aggression.
  • - Oxidative stress in the burned patient.
  • - Application of the laser speckle technique in the diagnosis of tissue vitality.

Professional associations

  • - Founding member of the Latin American Federation of Burns.
  • - Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery.
  • - Cuban Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism.
  • - Cuban Society of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology .


  • Mention in the Central Contest of the annual Health Award, 2007 for the "Manual of Medical Practices of the Hospital Hermanos Ameijeiras", (ISBN # 978-959-212-283-3).
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Cuban Society of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology.
  • Member of the National Group of Plastic Surgery and Caumatology. - Member of the Advisory Council of the Rector for the specialty (National CARE)

Medical Services Providers