Preceded by two decades of community services, it became a national reference center for its healthcare, research and teaching results. Provides services in all clinical-surgical specialties.
Its fundamental work directions are:
It provides high-quality technical and human assistance, at the level of the best centers of its type in the world, both hospital and outpatient, and is also a training center to requalify doctors and other professionals within from the health field in 38 medical and paramedical specialties. Residencies are provided for medical graduates in 26 specialties. National and international refresher courses and workshops are developed, both for doctors, paramedical personnel or other professionals and technicians linked to health.
Given the modern technology, the scientific and technical quality of the personnel it has and as part of its development program, it addresses research supported by the development plans of the Ministry of Public Health and its specialized research institutes, and the Cuban Academy of Sciences.
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Medical Services Providers