Contents of this page

  1. Deadlines to Receive Applications
  2. Course Start Date
  3. Granting of the Academic Visa
  4. Cuba Health Insurance
  5. Health and Disease Control

Applications will be received throughout the year, adjusting according to the closest start date of the course.

They are carried out personally through the mail (Estudios@cubamundomedico.com)
In a period of no more than 30 days, the interested party will receive the response to their request via email, as well as the contacts with the study center where they were located. The grants are decisions of Cuban Medical Services, which reserves the right of admission.

Applications will be registered in a database and are only valid for the school period for which it was requested. If you do not enter that period, you must make the formal request for the following academic year
The date established for the beginning of the course is the first week of September for all races and therefore you must present yourself between 10 and 15 days before that date to carry out the procedures corresponding to the International Sanitary Control, which is mandatory. , immigration procedures, preparation of the identity document and medical insurance.

Internships will begin according to the date they are offered.


Once it has been accepted, you must send to the electronic address (Estudios@cubamundomedico.com) with no less than 60 days in advance the following information that appears in the Academic Visa Application form:
The visa is requested at the Cuban embassy in your country of residence and you must present the acceptance letter from the university where you obtained the space.
If the academic visa has not been granted before traveling, the student may do so with a tourist visa and make the change of immigration status upon arrival, the amount of which is USD 40.00 in stamps and obtain the identification document issued by the Immigration Directorate and Immigration of the Republic of Cuba, whose amount is 10.00 USD.


Contact the ASISTUR company, through the website: http://www.asistur.cu/. Information on the coverage provided by health insurance can be obtained through the following electronic address: http://www.asistur.cu/seg_gm.pdf.

The price of these insurances depends on age, sex, diseases, etc.
There are health insurances acquired in the country of origin or in other countries that are homologated with ASISTUR insurances, the only entity authorized to determine its homologation or not.

ADDRESS: Paseo del Prado No. 208 between Trocadero and Colón
PHONE: (53-7) 866 4499/866 8920/866 8339/867 1314/867 1315
Fax: (53-7) 866 8087


Upon arrival in Cuba, the student must go immediately to the University of Medical Sciences that accepted him for the International Sanitary Control for 10 days, which is mandatory.

During this period, the student may opt for accommodation and meals in the university facilities, which will be paid according to the prices established for this concept in the facilities of the National Health System. If during the International Sanitary Control or after this one is diagnosed any disabling disease of those described in this document, he will be suspended from teaching activities and must return to his country immediately. If the disease is curable, you can return as long as you present a legalized medical certificate that proves your cure. In any other case, their readmission will not be possible.
Being a carrier of a disease that invalidates you to study in Cuba implies immediate return to the country of origin, applying the discount regulations established for this.

Medical Services Providers