OZONE THERAPY courses in Cuba

Title Specialty Modality Teaching hours Price
Intradiscal Ozone Therapy Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Training 30 300
Ozone therapy in conditions of the osteomyoarticular system Anesthesiology and Resuscitation Course 40 280
Basic Ozone Therapy Natural and Traditional Medicine Course 29 200
Ozone therapy. Phase II Natural and Traditional Medicine Training 40 470
Medical Application of Ozone Natural and Traditional Medicine Course 44 444
Ozone therapy: therapeutic bases Natural and Traditional Medicine Course 40 320
Ozone therapy in the treatment and rehabilitation of spinal diseases Natural and Traditional Medicine Training 34 272
Theoretical and practical preparation on the use and application of medical ozone Rheumatology Training 80 640
Ozone therapy in Stomatology Stomatology and Natural and Traditional Medicine   120 960
Ozone therapy Natural and Traditional Medicine Course 40/160 240
Rehabilitation, ozone therapy and acupuncture in Diabetes Mellitus in the PHC Natural and Traditional Medicine Course 80/320 480
Application of ozone therapy to medicine Ophthalmology Course 100 600
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