Minimal Access Surgery

Bariatric Surgery

Laparoscopic Procedure in Cuba.

What is Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric or metabolic surgery involves making changes to the digestive system to help you lose weight.

Types of Bariatric Surgery
There are different types of bariatric surgery, and all of them change the way the digestive system works. Some types of bariatric surgery reduce the size of the stomach (gastric sleeve), decreasing its capacity to hold food, so that the person feels full faster and eats less. Other types of bariatric surgery modify the stomach and small intestine (gastric bypass), causing a decrease in the absorption of nutrients and calories from food.

Gastric bypass: also called "Roux-en-Y gastric bypass," is a type of weight-loss surgery that involves creating a small pouch from the stomach and connecting the newly created pouch directly to the small intestine. After gastric bypass, the ingested food will enter this small stomach pouch and then directly into the small intestine, bypassing most of the stomach and the first section of the small intestine.

Gastric sleeve: Also called vertical laparoscopic gastric sleeve. This procedure is usually performed laparoscopically. During laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery, 80% of the stomach is removed, which takes the form of a long, tubular pouch, the size and shape of a banana.

Who are the candidates for this surgery?
Patients who have not been able to lose body weight through other procedures such as exercise, diet, and medications and who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) between 35 and 40.

With bariatric surgery, the patient is able to resolve many health problems related to obesity, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, and knee pain, among other parts of the body.

Cost of Bariatric Surgery
Cost of Gastric Sleeve: 5,552.00 USD
Cost of Gastric Bypass: 6,052.00 USD

In the initial evaluation, the specialist doctor will determine which is the best surgery option for you.

Medical Program
Hospitalization ( 3 days)
Hospitalization in a private room (meals and nursing care included)
Inpatient mecal care (daily round visit)
Initial evaluation and preparation of clinical history
Consultation with specialists: Anesthesiology, Surgery, Endocrinology, Internal medicine, Psychology, Reconsultation with specialist.
Preo-surgical research: Minimum coagulogram, Erythrosedimentation, Complete blood count, Creatinine, Glycemia, Blood group ABO,  and RH, Serology (VDRL), Test.Antibodies against HIV-1/2, Alkaline phosphatase, Gammalutamyl transferase, TGO, TGP, Total and direct, bilirubins, Complete lipidogram, Total proteins in serum, Determination of T3, Determination of T4, TSH determination, Simple chest x-ray, Electrocardiogram.
Pathological anatomy research: Diagnostic biopsy of surgical pieces
Diagnostic gastroenterology research: Videopanendoscopy
Imaging Investigations: Diagnostic ultrasound of the liver and bile ducts
Surgical procedure. General anesthesia: Vertical gastrectomy (gastric sleeve)
Medical report conclusions and recommendations

NOTE: This program does not include accommodation and food of the companion, nor does it include the cost of inputs (Mechanical sutures) which is around 800 USD.
Cost of the companion during hospitalization = 50 USD daily
After medical discharge the patient must remain in Cuba a minimum of 10 days for stitches removal and medical review.

Drugs, disposable material, blood, derivatives or their substitutes and artificial support materials are not included.
Medical programs are designed to perform the preoperative study on an outpatient basis. Preferring to perform it in hospital, the preoperative stay is increased by two or three days depending on the scheduled surgery.

The National Minimum Access Center of Cuba offers you the opportunity to treat your illnes.
All information you send to us will be used only for medical proposes.
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