The gastrointestinal tract, also called digestive tract, or alimentary canal, is the system of organs that allow us to consume food and digest it to extract energy. a and nutrients and expel the waste that remains. The main functions of the gastrointestinal tract are ingestion, digestion, absorption and excretion.
In a normal adult man, the gastrointestinal tract is approximately 6.5m long, divided into the upper gastrointestinal tract and the lower intestinal tract .
The upper gastrointestinal tract begins in the mouth, continues in the pharynx, then the esophagus and stomach. The mouth contains the buccal mucosa and the mouths of the salivary glands, the tongue and the teeth. Behind the mouth is the pharynx, which leads to an empty muscular tube called the esophagus.
Peristalsis begins, which is the contraction of muscles to propel food down the esophagus, which extends through the chest and through the diaphragm to reach the stomach. The stomach leads to the small intestine.
The lower intestinal tract is composed of the intestine and the anus. Small intestine has three parts:
Large Intestine:
Accessory Organs
The accessory organs of the alimentary canal include the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
The liver secretes bile into the small intestine via the biliary system, using the gallbladder as a reservoir. Apart from storing and concentrating bile, the gallbladder has no other specific function. The pancreas secretes an isosmotic fluid containing bicarbonate and several enzymes, including trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase, and pancreatic amylase, as well as pancreatic amylase. as well as nucleolytic enzymes (deoxyribonuclease and ribonuclease) within the small intestine. These two secretory organs help digestion.
In the following list you will be able to find the main Gastrenterology Evaluative Medical Programs offered in Cuba
Programs | Price |
General Assessment of Digestive Diseases | 959.00 |
Evaluation of the Upper Digestive Tract | 715.00 |
Evaluation of the Lower Digestive Tract | 800.00 |
Evaluation of the Small Intestine | 1,042.00 |
Study of Viral Chronic Liver Disease | 1,107.00 |
Auto Immune Hepatopathy Study | 1,057.00 |
Study of Liver Cirrhosis | 692.00 |
Study of Decompensated Hepatic Cirrhosis | 1,077.00 |
Study of Vial Diseases and Pancreas | 2,084.00 |
Evaluation of Pediatric Grastroenterological Diseases | 784.00 |
The Institute of Gastroenterology of Cuba offers you the opportunity to do this procedure
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