

Laparoscopic Myomectomy Program for Minimum Access

Myomas are frequent benign tumors that arise in the uterus. They originate between the muscle fibers that are part of the walls of the uterus. In their internal structure they also present parts or content of fibrous origin and in certain occasions, they can form cystic structures in their interior. Myomas are also called fibroma, fibromyoma and fibroid.
Myomas sometimes cause problems such as abnormal vaginal bleeding, pain, and difficulty passing urine and bowel movements. Fibroids can be removed by an operation called Myomectomy. It is traditionally done through a cut through the abdomen (laparotomy). With this procedure the fibroma is removed and the uterus is preserved.
Myomectomy can also be performed by means of minimal access surgery. Laparoscopic myomectomy to remove a uterine fibroid is the surgical technique of choice. It is generally considered the technique of choice due to its lower morbidity, less postoperative fever, shorter hospital stay and fewer postoperative problems.
With the appearance of the symptomatic uterine myoma, the best option is  myomectomy by laparoscopy, although there are other types of interventions that allow the extirpation of a uterine myoma or several.
 The main symptoms of the uterine fibroid depend on the type of the patient. Depending on its location, number and size, one or another guiding symptom will be more frequent;
Next, the most frequent symptoms:
Abnormal uterine bleeding that is characterized by prolonging a woman's menstrual cycles, increasing their intensity and quantity, as well as appearing during intermenstrual periods; depending on the characteristics of the alterations produced, it is possible that certain women may have more or less continuous episodes of chronic or iron deficiency anemia.
 An intervention such as laparoscopic uterine myomectomy allows a much earlier recovery, especially if we compare it with the abdominal alternative.  This imtervention causes less pain in the postoperative period and its aesthetic result is much more accepted by women subjected to this type of intervention. The risk of bleeding within the surgical act itself is also considerably lower.
The most important complications that can be found in surgical removal of uterine fibroids are urological and intestinal complications due to the risk of damaging some of the structures that form it during the intervention.
These associated complications are minimized when patients suffering from gynecological pathologies susceptible to needing surgical intervention are individualized and adjusted according to their personal characteristics, their current pathology and the comorbidity associated with their specific and particular case.
Medical Program
Hospitalization (1 day)
Hospitalization in a private room, with meals included
Inpatient medical care  (medical round visit)
Initial evaluation and preparation of clinical history
Other medical checkups by specialists
Re-checkup by  specialist  (ambulatory follow-up)
Preoperative investigations
 Complete blood count
 Minimum coagulogram
 Blood group ABO and RH
 Serology (VDRL)
 Rapid antibody test against HIV-1/2
 Simple chest x-ray
Pathological anatomy research
Diagnostic biopsy of surgical pieces
Gynecological ultrasound
Surgical procedure: General anesthesia
Medical report. Conclusions and recommendations
Note: Accommodation for  the patient's companion :40.00 CUC per day (meals included)
Medications, disposable material, blood, derivatives or their substitutes and artificial support materials are excluded.
The medical programs are designed to perform the preoperative study on an outpatient basis. If the patient prefers to be hospitalized, the preoperative stay increases in two or three days depending on the scheduled surgery.
The Institute of Surgery for Minimum Access of Cuba, offers the possibility of Myomectomy surgery. Minimally invasive surgery
Minimal Access Surgery
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